Good home security in Portland keeps Christmas merry
While you’ve been out and about completing your Christmas shopping, thieves are shopping for free as they target homes across the state over the festive season. And that means it’s a great time to ramp up your home security in Portland to ensure no one steals away your Christmas spirit and possessions.
While most of us are honest individuals who pay for Christmas gifts, not everyone has that same sense of right and wrong. There are people who are happy to break into houses, stealing gifts earmarked for your loved ones as well as other household possessions.
Crime statistics reported by journalist Wes Hosking in the Herald-Sun this month stated that offenders will burgle more than 80 houses across Victoria every day during the three-week festival period. That’s 1680-plus houses over 21 days. That’s a lot of stolen items. That’s a lot of disappointed people including kids.
The figures, compiled from data drawn from the same period over the past five years, reveal clearly that Christmas and New Year’s Eve are magnets when it comes to home burglaries. The residents are often away and the pickings can be rich.
So what can you do to ensure your Christmas remains a merry one? The first step is easy. Talk to us at Portland Night Patrol. We’re experts when it comes to improving home security for Portland clients, offering great advice, quality security products and installation and a range other security services. It all adds up to peace of mind for our clients and better protection for their property.
Home security comes in many forms including quality locks on doors and windows, a protective dog and outdoor security lights. Our team has a strong knowledge base when it comes alarm systems, linked devices and their installation. From reed switches to CCTV installation, passive infrared detectors to round-the-clock monitoring of your alarm system, Portland Night Patrol has you covered. We can also provide swift response if alarms are triggered.
Home security is important when your family is in residence. But it’s also vital when you’re away, enjoying your summer holidays with family and friends. There’s great comfort in knowing that while you are absent, your home is well protected.
So contact us at Portland Night Patrol to talk about boosting your home security in Portland. No-one wants their home to become a `free shop’ for thieves this festive period. And we have the expertise to help keep offenders away.