PNP for your business security in Portland Victoria
Wanting to keep your business safe & secure with the best security in town?
Then don’t look past the expert team at PNP Security for your business security in Portland.
Quality security advice & recommendations for your Portland business can make all the difference to the staff and the business owners’ peace of mind.
No matter the type of business, there is always the need to protect your property & equipment necessary for your business to thrive. The team at Portland Night Patrol are your one stop team to protect your premises including stock, machinery, IT equipment along with sensitive business documents from theft, burglary, and vandalism.
Depending on your budget and security requirements, the team at Portland Night Patrol can provide an array of products to keep your business safe. The simple installation of an electronic alarm system can monitor your business security with options including reed switches on windows & doors, motion detectors, duress buttons, and access control. We also specialise in commercial CCTV camera systems, rapid alarm response, and we can even arrange on premise security guards to secure your business in times of need.
On top of providing the best security in town, we are also able to provide scheduled maintenance to your business security to make sure it’s performing optimally all year round.
Best of all, Portland Night Patrol security alarm systems go hand in hand with alarm monitoring, maintenance, and rapid alarm response, ensuring each aspect of your security can be managed by us. Let us worry about your Security, so you don’t have to.
The qualified and involved team can arrange a scheduled visit of your Portland business to discuss your security needs, and therefore help determine the ideal security systems and security services for you and your business.
Have the peace of mind of leaving your premises secure in the knowledge that your valuables are always protected. Call the team today for a quote and enjoy the safety that Portland Night Patrol can provide for your business.